Friday, December 14, 2012

Milk Thistle For Menopausal Sypmtoms

Milk Thistle has been used for centuries as a tonic and is a potent detoxifier and liver cleanser. It is an antioxidant that stimulates the liver and protects and repairs it.
The active ingredient Sylimarin is found in the seeds of milk thistle and is said to:

Milk Thistle non alcoholic extract

- repair liver damage
- lower cholesterol
- treat gallbladder disorders
- reduce insulin resistance in diabetic pateints  with cirrhosis of the liver
- improves liver function in hepatic patients
- reduces cancer cell growth in certain cancers
- treats diabetic nephropathy ( a type of kidney disease in diabetics)

It helps the body clear any toxins and the surges of hormones that often accompany the menopause and are hindering its functioning and in doing so, may alleviate hot flashes and other menopausal sypmtoms, such as  anxiety and feelings of depression.
More on Milk thistle here.

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