Monday, March 27, 2006

Feeling Depressed.....

I haven't posted for a while, because I've been feeling really down lately.
I can't take any of the herbs for menopause as I'm allergic to them, but have been using high doses of vitamins and theanine to manage the menopause.
But I guess it's the combination of the long winter this year, a couple of colds and an ear infection that have ground me down.

I've also been feeling sorry for myself, and so much want to find the woman that I was again. I just seem to have lost that spark.

So, I have decided to take St John's Wort in the hope that it will give me that extra helping hand to pull myself out of this.
I started taking it a couple of weeks ago and will keep you informed of it's efficacy.
Apparently it takes about six weeks to work it's magic!

I will try and put up a description and how to take it etc on my Natural Menopause site when I'm up to it.

Bon Courage to all those going through the same thing.....

natural menopause

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