Monday, May 19, 2008

When is a Hot Flash not a Hot Flash?

When is a hot flash or flush not a hot flash?

Falling oestrogen levels can precipitate hot flashes, night sweats etc, but another less thought of factor, is high histamine levels.

Histamine can become a problem if you are stressed, are smoking, eating foods that don't agree with you or drinking too much alcohol. It can also be a problem if your diet is predominantly made up of highly processed or junk foods.
Although in my case, I have found that it to be genetic, as I tend to suffer from allergies, which my mum does too.

If your skin is sensitive and you react violently to bites or stings, or get prickly heat, you are likely to have high levels of histamine.
So you never know, if you do have high histamine levels, your hot flashes may have nothing to do with your hormones!

Taking nettle either as tea or a tincture can help as can a low dose of vitamin C taken upto 6 times daily. These are natural antihistamines.

Also, it goes without saying, take care of your diet, drink plenty of water, and minimise your caffeine intake.

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