Reduce stress levels:
Acupuncture, meditation, and relaxation techniques are all harmless ways to reduce the stress of menopause and some people report great benefit from these practices.
Yoga can be a powerful tool for helping you experience the passage into menopause as a positive event, both physically and spiritually.
Because it works by balancing the endocrine system, yoga reduces the effects of menopause's hormonal changes.
Follow a sequence of poses to stimulate the ovaries and the pituitary gland to produce more hormones. It will have a calming, soothing, quieting effect on the nervous system and, if practiced regularly, will help ease menopausal symptoms.
Studies have shown that an increasing number of women are using acupuncture for menopausal symptoms, which uses a method of treatment that is directed to the balance of yin and yang, the active principle in nature. It is said to relieve symptoms such as headaches, sleep disruption, loss of concentration, mood swings and quality of life.
Meditation is the self-directed practice of calming the mind and subduing external stimuli to produce a stress-free state of deep relaxation and inner harmony. Meditation techniques may focus on breathing, a mantra, an image or a peaceful experience and will help relieve many of the menopausal tensions"
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