Friday, October 07, 2005

Hormones or Herbs?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been a bone of contention with menopausal women all over the world for years, and can put women at risk of developing a number of life-threatening conditions.

Now the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) reports the results of a research study with conclusions that I hope will prompt every woman taking oestrogen to reassess her treatment.

increases risk of ovarian and breast cancer

The NCI study researched existing data from the Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project, a screening programme that examined a total of 44,241 post-menopausal women in 29 clinical centres in the US, from 1979 through 1998. The NCI team designed its study to glean information that might associate HRT with ovarian cancer - an association that had previously been unclear.

With the research stacking up against HRT, hard decisions are in order for the millions of women who are experiencing the daunting difficulties of the menopause.

Some, will decide to take a chance with one of the hormone replacement therapies.
Others may be fortunate enough to be able to control their conditions with natural alternatives: using herbal remedies, for instance, such as dong quai, black cohosh, liquorice, red clover and chaste berry. Nutritional supplements of vitamins A, C and B complex, plus minerals like boron may also be effective. In addition, some women may find relief in yoga, acupuncture or special exercise regimens.

The important thing for women to know is that there are a number of ways they can cope with menopause naturally.
They don't work for all women, but these alternatives should be given a second look now that we know the choice of oestrogen may have even more dire consequences than we had previously suspected.

For more information on natural ways to manage menopause go to

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