Thursday, December 29, 2005

Menopause and Osteoporosis

Menopause and Osteoporosis

Women start to lose calcium from their bones from the age of about 35.
During the five years just after the menopause, women lose bone mass at the highest rate in their lives.
This can lead to osteoporosis, a serious condition that results in bones breaking very easily.

To prevent bone loss during the menopause:

  • Don't smoke.
  • Exercise regularly. Weight-bearing exercise is best, such as running, tennis, weight-training, or even a brisk walk.
  • Get plenty of calcium.

The National Osteoporosis Society suggests women over 40 and nearing the menopause, should get 1500mg of calcium each day.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, and sunlight on the skin stimulates the body's own production of vitamin D. It is also in some sardines, oily fish, cereals, cheddar cheese and margarine.

Calcium in some popular food
half-pint semi-skimmed milk = 365mg
Cheddar cheese (5 slices) = 360mg
Cup of almonds = 300mg
Cup of low fat yogurt = 190mg
Prawns (100g boiled) = 150mg
Spinach (100g boiled) = 150mg

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